Where Scandal Rules Scandal(ou)s Bureau of
[ Information | Investigation | Incrimination | Instigation | Insinuation ]
SBI – Founded by Tantan and Vaibhav
- Prelude to SBI
- Release 1: A Tryst with Academia – Character Sketch Ver5.147
- Release 2: Beloved Darling of Btech96 – Tales of Love
- Release 3: The Bandit Queen
- As SBI
- Release 1: The Scandal(ou)s Bureau of Information
- Release 2: SBI this month (June, 2K)
- Release 3: Miss P.G.M. – The Life of a Great (wo)man
- Release 4: The Trial of an Ass – Exposing the Muddi
- Release 5: SBI this month (July, 2K)
- Release 6: SBI this month: For Whom the Hell Calls (Sept, 2K)