Home on the Web: | http://www.cse.iitd.ernet.in/~csu96135 |
After IIT: | Capital One |
Career Goal(s): | To be the CEO of a blue-chip company |
Nicknames: | Kaps |
Hobbies: | Sports (alomost all), playing music, reading, travelling, movies..blah..blah |
Less said, the better !
Kapil, Shaggy (Sharad), Mahajan and I had a great time in Singapore during our summer training there. And, as usual, we had our share of “kissas” to tell. This one is about a visit to the beach. We had spent the night in the Company (nahin night out nahin thi, we were chatting and listening to music) and had decided to go directly to the beach the next day. However, Kapil hadnt brought a change of clothes, so he convinced us to let him go back to the guest house and get one, inspite of the fact that it was in the opposite direction. It was decided that he would meet us in half an hour and we’d spend our time in electronics shops (thats another thing I must write about – our shopping). Anyway, after half an hour, we were waiting at the bus stop and saw Verma approaching empty handed. On asking him why he hadnt got his “stuff”, he pointed to the shorts that he had changed into and said ki pahan to liya hai. It took a little time for him to realize that he had no towel and still no change of clothes. Well, we proceeded to the beach and had quite a nice time. And Verma wore his wet shorts for the rest of the day (in airconditioned buses/shopping malls etc – in Singapore, they seemed to leave nothing un-airconditioned). However, this isnt the end of the story. The next day we planned to go to the beach again and, not to be outdone, Sharad and I left ours & Mahajans clothes at home, leaving Kapil with the last laugh!
Most ‘kanjoosh’ of all. I’ve a record book of the treats he promised to give but never tried to give one.
Cold beer, hot babes and big bucks are the things that drive him. A true American. A fun to work with and pleasure to be with.