Where Scandal Rules Scandal(ou)s Bureau of
[ Information | Investigation | Incrimination | Instigation | Insinuation ]
Dear All,
We are deeply distressed to note the deafening silence on btech_96, and appeal to all of you to sometimes think of the scandalous batchmates you had not so long ago. Please share your thoughts, news and jokes with btech_96.
We at SBI assure you that no matter where you are, what you do … we will always be there to expose your scandals. We assure you of at least one scandal a month.
From: Kiran Gurumukhi <kiran_gurumukhi@hotmail.com>
To: vaibhav@linuxstart.com
Subject: Re: [btech_96] The Scandal(ou)s Bureau of Information
>Cheers to the opening of S.B.I.
>Is it computerised.? What type of accounts do you serve?
- Many thanks to Kiran Kumar Gurumukhi for his good wishes to SBI. In response to his queries, let it be known that:
- S.B.I. is fully computerised, except for the minds of the directors.
- We serve scandalous accounts, like “The Bandit Queen.”
- S.B.I. is happy to announce it has extended operations to Bangalore, under the supervision of Tantan. All those in Bangalore, watch out!
- In a short while from now, S.B.I. will release the scandal of the month by making public some of the hereunto private parts of the President’s Gold Medallist, our beloved KT. We hope all of you (except KT) will like it. Please let us have your frank feedback.
- We are pleased to announce that Shri Rohit Khandekar condescended to join btech_96 recently, taking our membership into the early forties. We request you to urge all those who have not joined btech_96 so far to do so.
Scandalously yours,
Tantan@WebTek, Bangalore
Vaibhav@Gokhale Marg, Lucknow