Birthdays and Anniversaries in August v10.08

Dear Friends,
August being the month of our convocation 10 years back, let us congratulate each other on completing 10 years of graduation! If any of you should wish to get together do drop a line.

And now for this month’s celebrities. Happy Birthday to Arnav Mittal (Congratulations Sharad and Shilpa), Kunal Talwar and Hasit Nanda (Congratulations Harsh and Ranjeeta). And a Happy Anniversary to Shuchi and Aditya, Gagan Singla and Nidhi and Mitali and Manoj.

Lastly, here are the regular notices:

  1. Please keep your coordinates updated. You can send me (Tantan) an email and I will take care of it.
  2. Please do let us know if we have got any dates wrong or missing.
  3. This announcement is also posted on the Announcements page on BTech96 at
